来源:FPGA算法工程师 发布时间:2024-07-29 分享至微信





  • 蓝皮书(Blue):建议的标准文件(Recommended Standards);

  • 洋红皮书(Magenta):建议的实践文件(Recommended Practices);

  • 绿皮书(Green):信息报告文件(Informational Reports);

  • 红皮书(Red):标准或实践文件的草稿(Draft Standards/Practices )

  • 橙皮书(Orange):试验类文件(Experimental);

  • 黄皮书(Yellow):管理类文件(Administrative);

  • 银皮书(Silver):已退出使用的历史文件(Historical);

  • 粉皮书(Pink):用于评审的修订稿(Draft Revisions For Review )



•CCSDS 131.0-B-5:遥测同步和信道编码 | TM Synchronization and Channel Coding

The Recommended Standard for TM Synchronization and Channel Coding contains specifications to be used by space missions on synchronous communications links. The current update adds support for the Unified Space Data Link Protocol and ground-to-space communications links.

•CCSDS 131.2-B-1:用于高码速率遥测的灵活先进编码和调制方案 | Flexible Advanced Coding and Modulation Scheme for High Rate Telemetry Applications

This Recommended Standard defines a Serially Concatenated Convolutional turbo Coding (SCCC) scheme for telemetry applications.

•CCSDS 131.3-B-2:在ETSI DVB-S2 标准中应用CCSDS空间链路协议 | CCSDS Space Link Protocols over ETSI DVB-S2 Standard

•CCSDS 231.0-B-4:遥控同步和信道编码 | TC Synchronization and Channel Coding

The Recommended Standard for TC Synchronization and Channel Coding contains specifications for synchronization and channel coding to be used by space missions on asynchronous communications links. The current update clarifies procedures related to short Low-Density Parity-Check (LDPC) codes and adds support for the Unified Space Data Link Protocol (USLP).

•CCSDS 431.1-B-1:Variable Coded Modulation Protocol

This Recommended Standard specifies a Variable Coded Modulation (VCM) protocol for use with CCSDS-recommended channel codes. The current version of this document contains all updates through technical corrigendum 1, dated April 2022.


•CCSDS 132.0-B-3:遥测空间数据链路协议The CCSDS Recommended Standard for TM Space Data Link Protocol specifies the protocol, services, and procedures pertaining to the CCSDS Version-1 Synchronous Transfer Frame. The current update adds clarifications and support for Space Data Link Security Protocol Extended Procedures (CCSDS 355.1-B-1).

•CCSDS 232.0-B-4:遥控空间数据链路协议 | TC Space Data Link ProtocolThe Recommended Standard for TC Space Data Link Protocol specifies the protocol, services, and procedures pertaining to the CCSDS Version-1 Asynchronous Transfer Frame. The current update adds corrections and clarifications.

•CCSDS 232.1-B-2:通信操作规程(COP-1)| Communications Operation Procedure-1This Recommended Standard specifies the Communications Operation Procedure-1 used by the TC Space Data Link Protocol. The current issue adds text concerning a new systematic retransmission option. This document has been reconfirmed by the CCSDS Management Council through April 2021. The current version of this document contains all updates through technical corrigendum 1, dated April 2019.

•CCSDS 732.0-B-4:AOS空间数据链路协议The CCSDS Recommended Standard for AOS Space Data Link Protocol specifies the protocol, services, and procedures pertaining to the CCSDS Version-2 Transfer Frame. The current update adds clarifications and support for Space Data Link Security Protocol Extended Procedures (CCSDS 355.1-B-1).

•CCSDS 732.1-B-2:Unified Space Data Link ProtocolThis CCSDS Recommended Standard specifies the Unified Space Data Link Protocol (USLP) for use by space missions over space-to-ground, ground-to-space, or space-to-space communications links. The current update adds corrections and clarifications and moves specification of the Truncated Transfer Frame to a new normative annex.


•CCSDS 133.0-B-2:空间包协议This Recommendation specifies the protocols, services, and procedures pertaining to the CCSDS Packet. The current update removes networking-type terminology and implied functionality and updates the specification for consistency with modern data communication practices.

•CCSDS 133.1-B-3:封装业务 | Encapsulation Packet ProtocolThe CCSDS Recommended Standard for Encapsulation Service specifies a communications service to be used by space missions to transfer protocol data units that are not directly transferred by the Space Data Link Protocols over a ground-to-space or space-to-space communications link. The current update removes the Space Packet from available encapsulation formats, changes the name from Encapsulation Service to Encapsulation Packet Protocol, and adds the Unified Space Data Link Protocol to supported the Space Data Link protocols.

临近空间链路 | Proximity-1 Space Link:

•CCSDS 211.0-B-6:临近空间链路协议——数据链路层 | Space Link Protocol-Data Link LayerThe CCSDS Recommended Standard for Proximity-1 Space Link Protocol-Data Link Layer specifies the protocol, services, and procedures pertaining to the CCSDS Version-3 Transfer Frame. The current update adds text related to use of the CCSDS Version-4 (USLP) Transfer Frame.

•CCSDS 211.1-B-4:临近空间链路协议——物理层 | Physical LayerThe CCSDS Recommended Standard for Proximity-1 Space Link Protocol—Physical Layer specifies the Physical Layer procedures used with the Proximity-1 Data Link Layer. The current issue includes several improvements and clarifications, accomplishing better alignment and consistency with the other Proximity-1 Blue Books. This document has been reconfirmed by the CCSDS Management Council through June 2024.

•CCSDS 211.2-B-3:临近空间链路协议——编码和同步子层 | Coding and Synchronization SublayerThe CCSDS Recommended Standard for Proximity-1 Space Link Protocol—Coding and Synchronization Sublayer specifies the synchronization and channel coding schemes used with the Proximity-1 Data Link Protocol. The current update adds applicability to Unified Space Data Link Protocol, CCSDS 732.1-B-1.


•CCSDS 401.0-B-32:无线电频率和调制——第1部分:地面站和航天器 | Radio Frequency and Modulation Systems—Part 1: Earth Stations and SpacecraftNumerous concise recommendations appear in the notebook volume bearing the number 401.0-B. Each recommendation is dated, and the most recent revision is shown in the table of contents. These Recommendations are developed for conventional near-Earth and deep-space missions [近地和深空任务] having moderate communications requirements. The current update adds new recommendations 2.6.13 and 2.6.15 updates recommendations 2.4.18 and 2.4.23. 注:重要文件,已发布32个版本。


•CCSDS 414.1-B-2:伪随机码测距系统 | Pseudo-Noise (PN) Ranging SystemsThe Pseudo-Noise (PN) Ranging Systems Recommended Standard defines both transparent and regenerative PN ranging systems. The current issue adds a ranging-signal-chip-rate parameter value for Ka-Band uplinks.

•CCSDS 415.1-B-1:用于通过数据中继卫星的2GHz CDMA 链路的数据传输和伪随机码测距This Recommended Standard specifies a set of Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) spread spectrum modulation schemes for CCSDS Users. These schemes are intended to be used over space-to-space communications links by space missions. This document has been reconfirmed by the CCSDS Management Council through October 2021.


•CCSDS 702.1-B-1:IP 通过 CCSDS 空间链路(IPoC)| IP over CCSDS Space LinksThis Recommended Standard specifies a method for transferring IP Protocol Data Units (PDUs) via CCSDS Space Data Link Layer protocols.

•CCSDS 714.0-B-2:空间通信协议规范-传输协议(SCPS-TP) | Space Communications Protocol Specification (SCPS)—Transport ProtocolThe four Space Communications Protocol Specification (SCPS) Recommendations define a protocol suite that is parallel in function to, and interoperable with, the protocols of the Earth-based Internet (FTP/TCP/IP). The SCPS protocols have been optimized to overcome problems associated with using Internet protocols in space. This Recommendation defines the transport-layer protocols and services of the SCPS protocol suite. The current issue of Space Communications Protocol Specification (SCPS) Transport Protocol (SCPS-TP) specification: - adds optional support for Selective Acknowledgements (SACK) and Explicit Congestion Notification (ECN)- defines semantics to extend SCPS-TP signaling to allow optional inclusion of vendor- and community-specific options. The CCSDS conducts periodic reconfirmation reviews of its publications to assure their continued relevance. This Recommended Standard has been reconfirmed through June 2022.


•CCSDS 734.1-B-1:CCSDS 利克莱德传输协议(LTP) | Licklider Transmission Protocol (LTP) for CCSDSThis Recommended Standard specifies the Licklider Transmission Protocol (LTP) and associated service for CCSDS. LTP provides optional reliability mechanisms on top of an underlying (usually data link) communication service.

•CCSDS 734.2-B-1:CCSDS 束协议规范(BP) | CCSDS Bundle Protocol SpecificationThis Recommended Standard defines a CCSDS Bundle Protocol based on the Bundle Protocol of RFC 5050, with necessary extensions to support the Delay/Disruption Tolerant Networking (DTN) of space applications. The current issue incorporates changes reflecting responses to comments resulting from review of the second draft issue.

在MATLAB 的Satellite Communications Toolbox工具箱中,我们可以找到CCSDS相关的物理层参考链路。

上图是CCSDS TM系统端到端仿真链路模型,我们可以根据协议进行参数设置,并设计符合实际需求的算法链路。



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